Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—Fake News

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Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—Fake News

Featured in Issues & Controversies:
Fake News: Does fake news pose a significant problem for democracy?

Fake news is a destructive phenomenon that undermines democracy. By misinforming the electorate, it contributes to political extremism and the polarization of the public. Internet companies have a responsibility to crack down on fake news.

The outcry over fake news is misdirected and should instead be focused on inaccuracies and bias in the mainstream media. Calls for an online crackdown on fake news will lead to censorship of conservative and nontraditional news sources.

Let your students review the facts and decide for themselves: Does fake news pose a significant problem for democracy? Be sure to check out Issues & Controversies’ complete and unbiased coverage of this timely issue. Enhance the debate with the discussion questions, “By the Numbers” data, primary sources, media, editorials, and newsfeed that are linked to the article.

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