Amazon: A Featured Controversy from Issues & Controversies

Amazon: A Featured Controversy from Issues & Controversies

Featured in Issues & Controversies:
AMAZON: Is Amazon Good for the U.S. Economy and American Workers?

Is Amazon good for American workers and the economy? Be sure to check out Issues & Controversies’ complete and unbiased coverage of this divisive issue. Here is a sample of the pro/con arguments on both sides of the issue.

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Amazon earned its success through constant innovation and commitment to customers, not through anticompetitive behavior. Amazon offers high-paying jobs to hundreds of thousands of Americans. Antitrust action against the company would only hurt consumers. Amazon has bullied and bought its way to domination in the online market, hurting small retailers and brick-and-mortar stores in the process. It exploits its workforce and leaves them vulnerable to injury. Congress must level the playing field by breaking up Amazon.

The pro/con article links to rich related resources that enhance the debate. Students and researchers can explore the “By the Numbers” data, primary sources that provide context, debate videos, NPR podcasts, infographics, editorials, a Reuters® newsfeed, a chronology, and a bibliography and further resources. Plus, discussion questions are provided to inspire critical thinking and analysis.

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The award-winning Issues & Controversies helps researchers understand today’s crucial issues by exploring hundreds of hot topics in politics, government, business, society, education, and popular culture. Updated weekly, with an extensive backfile, Issues & Controversies offers in-depth articles—each presenting both sides of an issue clearly, coherently, and without bias—made to inspire thought-provoking debates. Its straightforward presentation of the key facts, arguments, history, and current context of today’s most important and timely issues makes the database an ideal resource for research papers, debate preparation, and persuasive writing assignments.

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