April is National Poetry Month, in case you hadn’t heard
Why not do something creative to celebrate the spoken word?

A poetry contest is fun and simple; to pull it off is a snap
We’ll show you how to build a contest ‘round Credo’s Mind Map

We’ll poetry our faces off, fan poetry’s fragrant fumes
With a comprehensive literature database known to all as Bloom’s.

Join us if you can!

Register at: https://infobase.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ix_uBY7KTyiCqzB4sz4_KA

Can’t attend? Register now, and you’ll be emailed a recording of the webinar, after the live session ends, to view at your convenience!

Join us for this webinar and be eligible to win a $50 Amazon.com Gift Card!* Participants who attend will have a chance to win—just look for the poll questions at the end of the webinar to enter. *Restrictions apply, see amazon.com/gc-legal. Winner selected from attendees after the webinar has ended. Must be present to win.

Slam into Poetry Month with Contest Ideas from Infobase

March 24, 2021 @ 11:00 am-March 24, 2021 @ 11:45 am