Classroom Video On Demand: Use Presidential Inaugurations in Class and Lesson Plans

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Classroom Video On Demand: Use Presidential Inaugurations in Class and Lesson Plans

The 45th president of the United States will be sworn in at the 58th inauguration ceremony this week. Use this historic event in lesson plans by asking students to compare and contrast this year’s speech to past inaugurations. Which speeches inspired patriotism? Which called our country to service? Which calmed the nation? Which were the most prophetic? Use these speeches to spur discussion and research on the presidents themselves and their achievements in office. For social studies projects and creative writing assignments, have students write their own inauguration speeches, highlighting what they would improve about the U.S. and its policies.

Classroom Video On Demand offers inaugural speeches throughout U.S. history, including iconic speeches by Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the first filmed inauguration speech from President McKinley’s inauguration in 1901. These important primary sources can be used in social studies classes and in writing, speech, and debate departments.

Type “inauguration” in the search bar to access these videos. All can be easily added to any LMS or shared to Google Classroom.