Rather than poring over title lists every year in an effort to stay abreast of current and relevant resources for pharmaceutical science students, your library can subscribe to this curated and regularly updated collection. Publishers like F. A. Davis Company, Wiley, and Sage Publications offer top-tier digital reference titles on pharmacologic principles, drug testing, side effects, and more.
Credo Essentials Collections offer access to award-winning, notable, and peer-acclaimed reference content. Available collections cover dozens of in-demand subjects and are curated by Credo. Each is seamlessly updated as new editions publish and new content is licensed. Content is regularly refreshed to ensure continued relevance. Credo Essentials Collections are full text and searchable alongside the content on the Credo research platform.
Click here for a list of reference titles included in this collection.
In an effort to curate the very best content for each collection, notable awards and recommendations are used to guide our selection process. Several titles in each collection have been distinguished in the following lists: