Thank You! The Credo IL Strategy Handbook, Second Edition: White Paper


Thank You for Downloading The Credo IL Strategy Handbook, Second Edition White Paper

Learn more Infobase’s core academic Information Literacy products:

And Don’t Miss:
Online Information Literacy: Advice from Credo’s Newly Updated IL Strategy Handbook


Building Lessons to Support the ACRL Framework: Webinar



Information literacy is a lifelong learning skill and is vital to success in one’s personal, professional, and academic life. Infobase’s authoritative content, tools, and technology—including training, teaching, and assessment resources; trustworthy news services; research databases and video products; and much more—offer strategies to learn new skills and deepen one’s overall knowledge base. Check out resources that support and improve digital citizenship, news literacy, identifying misinformation, and critical-thinking and research skills, plus election coverage and much more. CHECK IT OUT NOW.

Check out our news literacy workshop for more ideas and strategies

News Literacy Workshop: Step-by-Step Strategies for Educating Your Students

Learn to separate the news from the noise! Expert Vanessa Otero, CEO of Ad Fontes Media, presents four engaging, interactive webinar sessions on all aspects of news literacy—find out how to navigate the news and help your students do the same. Plus, accompanying blog articles reinforce and elaborate on the material covered in each webinar session.

Free, 4-Part Workshop


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