Classroom Video On Demand: Spotlight on Wipe Out Bullying

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Classroom Video On Demand: Spotlight on Wipe Out Bullying

The Wipe Out Bullying series—available through Classroom Video On Demand—shows students the many ways to prevent bullying through compelling and captivating sketches and anti-bullying story lines using real teens. These titles can empower students to take charge if they witness bullying; show them how to be a good bystander, how to stop untrue or harmful messages from spreading, and take a stand against hate, racism, and intolerance.

Titles in the series include:

  • How to Deal with a Bully (Item #129621)
  • Why Do Bullies Bully? Who They Pick On & Why (Item #129618)
  • The 4 Types of Bullying—Physical, Verbal, Exclusion, Online (Item #129619)
  • Where Does Bullying Happen? How to Deal with Physical Threats & Intimidation (Item #129620)

The videos in the Wipe Out Bullying series are among the thousands of high-quality works Classroom Video On Demand offers that discuss the topics and world events that are being studied and debated the most.