Facts On File Announces the Launch of The World Almanac® Online!

Company News

Facts On File Announces the Launch of The World Almanac® Online!

Facts On File, the award-winning publisher of print, online, and eBook reference materials for schools and libraries, is proud to announce the launch of The World Almanac® Online. This authoritative new reference site expands on the contents of the best-selling World Almanac®, which The Los Angeles Times called “the most useful reference book known to modern man.”

The World Almanac® Online provides students and researchers with access to thousands of key facts not available elsewhere online—from economics, business, energy, crime, and military affairs to health, vital statistics, and consumer information, from pop culture, sports, and science to U.S. and world history and government information. The “Year in Review,” “Year in Pictures,” and “World at a Glance” sections give entertaining overviews of high-interest topics.

“There is almost no one who wouldn’t benefit from The World Almanac® Online—it’s the ultimate database for research enthusiasts,” said Mark McDonnell, president of Infobase Learning, the parent company of Facts On File, The World Almanac®, and other esteemed imprints. “Users get instant access to the best-selling World Almanac® content, the thousands of vital facts and statistics—but with powerful searching capabilities, the ability to download data to Excel, special features, and more. There is no other database like this on the market.”


  • Best-selling, Exclusive Reference Content with thousands of key statistics and facts
  • Search for Essential Facts and background information on current events and news topics
  • Fast, Reliable Information on a world of subjects, from economics to sports to pop culture
  • Dynamic Home Page with daily features, including “This Day in History,” “This Day in Sports,” “Quote of the Day,” “Recent Updates,” and “Most Viewed” topics
  • World at a Glance features fast facts culled from the entire almanac universe to highlight the most essential items by topic.



  • “Export to Excel” functionality for downloading data
  • Full-color maps, flags, graphs, and charts
  • Search Assist technology
  • Persistent record links
  • Dynamic full citations in MLA and Chicago Manual of Style formats.