Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—Natural Disaster Response

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Issues & Controversies: Featured Controversy—Natural Disaster Response

Featured in Issues & Controversies:
NATURAL DISASTER RESPONSE: Should the U.S. Government Play a Leading Role in Natural Disaster Response?

The U.S. government must help victims of natural disasters. It is unrealistic to expect local and state agencies to handle devastation that crosses state lines. The U.S. government must fix disaster spending to acknowledge the reality that concurrent, severe natural disasters will become more common with climate change.

The main responsibility for responding to natural disasters lies with local and state agencies, not the federal government. Local responders can handle crises far better than a large bureaucracy like FEMA, and unchecked federal assistance discourages communities from taking necessary precautions before disaster strikes.

Let your students review the facts and decide for themselves: Should the U.S. government play a leading role in natural disaster response? Be sure to check out Issues & Controversies’ complete and unbiased coverage of this timely issue. Enhance the debate with the discussion questions, “By the Numbers” data, primary sources, audio content, infographics, editorials, and newsfeed that are linked to the article.

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