Fun Facts about the Presidents
You know how they say “truth is stranger than fiction”? We think this is why it’s fun to learn facts,...
Was the Biden Presidency a Success? A Featured Controversy from Issues & Controversies
On January 20, 2025, President Joe Biden stepped down from office after becoming the first president in more than half...
Go on Adventures with Sonic the Hedgehog
If you’re of a certain age, you might remember turning on the TV on weekdays to watch Adventures of Sonic...
Ten Popular Public Library Streams of 2024
What have public library patrons been streaming on Access Video On Demand and Just for Kids in 2024? Find some...
Librarians, Fight Misinformation with Infobase
Like it or not, we live in an era where misinformation and disinformation are abundant, and a misinformed public cannot...
Celebrate Black History Month with Infobase
Every February, we celebrate the many contributions that African Americans have made to our society and honor the many struggles...
Credo Reference Is an MLA Platinum Winner: Q&A with the Editors
Infobase’s award-winning academic resource Credo Reference just brought home another award—Platinum distinction in LibraryWorks’ 11th annual Modern Library Awards (MLAs)!...
Test Students’ Trivia Knowledge & Research Skills with Infobase
What day does the Spring Equinox land on? How long did the U.S. Civil War last? What was the name...
Celebrate the Life of Martin Luther King Jr. with These Videos
Every January, we honor the life and triumphs of civil rights leader and nonviolent activist Martin Luther King Jr. Infobase’s...
Can Donald Trump Pardon Himself? A Featured Controversy from Issues & Controversies
When Donald Trump returns to the White House on January 20, 2025, he will have the dubious distinction of becoming...
The 10 Most Popular Higher Ed Programs of 2024
What have your students and peers been watching on Films On Demand in 2024? Find the most viewed titles below...
Providing Guidance on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
To many of us parents and educators, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in education has been both intriguing and...